Hyper light drifter review youtube
Hyper light drifter review youtube

hyper light drifter review youtube

Broken up in to five distinct areas, North, South, East, West and the central hub city. The map in the game is large for an indie title and also very detailed. These scenes blend the horrors and realities of the real world with fantasy There are scenes of characters being driven to alcoholism or a whole village being slaughtered by ninja frog men ( ya really). These little cut scenes are perfect in giving you little information to assist you in gathering your own thoughts on what the world you find yourself in is made of. Story-centric NPCs will actually play out a cutscene describing what has happened in the world, and where they are from.

#Hyper light drifter review youtube free

There is no dialogue in this game but instead when you interact with NPCs it will open a speech bubble with strange symbols instead of actual dialogue, this gives you free range to try and understand the dialect and the emotions of the characters.

hyper light drifter review youtube

The basics of the game are simply story wise, you as a lone drifter (of the Hyper Light I assume) are tasked with finding the cure to the sickness that has taken hold of this world and your own body. The game does very little to help you understand what the story is based around and in turn it leaves a lot up to the imagination of the player, this is step one in Heart Machine’s design to make you care about this game. There is a perfect combination of Fantasy inspired ambience with Sci-fi Synth that much like the game itself, sets it apart from anything you have experienced The soundtrack often throws in calming piano in the quiet moments, but on the opposite side of things it can hit you with a pulsating synth track that deepens the intensity of specific events. The OST for the game is exactly what is needed to bring mystery, excitement, terror and calm to this game. I spent hours just wandering through each area admiring the work and the care put into this strange but gorgeous neon drenched world.

hyper light drifter review youtube

Visuals rendered in a 16 bit flair that harkens back to the endless days spent playing SNES, topped off with a vibrant neon palette that truly elevates these visuals in such a way that it makes you appreciate every garnish and every detail of the environment. Presentation wise this game is everything I envision perfection to be. Heart Machine has truly discovered a way to capture the heart and soul of retro Zelda games with modern methods of story telling and visceral combat that you would see in a Souls game. Hyper Light Drifter takes both of the before mentioned concepts and blends them into one gorgeous, captivating and truly remarkable experience. stupid.” Seems to be a valid motto for other developers. Sometimes a game can go through years worth of development to look the best with pristine graphics and overall astounding production values, other times the saying ” keep it simple.

Hyper light drifter review youtube